“Transparency project”

6 July 2020

The «Transparency Project» was set up in collaboration with ETOILE s.r.l. (Milan) and concerns transparency in the healthcare sector, i.e. the publication on the Internet of all transfers of value that the healthcare industry makes for the benefit of

  • healthcare professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses and public and private healthcare administrators)
  • health organisations (e.g. scientific societies, hospitals and university departments)

The initiative provides services and assistance to companies in the healthcare sector, in particular:

  • auditing of the adequacy of existing procedures and possible revision
  • computerisation of management processes (software development)
  • drafting and publication of the «transparency report» (and methodological note)

The «Transparency Project» was developing rapidly, especially in view of the entry into force of Italian «Sunshine Act», and the obligation to trasparency introduced by the code of ethics of Confindustria Dispositivi Medici for its members (in the pharmaceutical world, the publication of transfers of value has already been customary for some years for Farmindustria members).

(evoluzione della trasparenza nel settore sanitario in Italia, leggi e codici etici applicabili)

As examples please view the following video, made for a client company (the Emilian company Theras), which can also be viewed at this link, and this published methodological note.


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